CivilCADz Standard is a comprehensive package for surveyors, lands developers and construction companies. With the Standard, work is made simple from field data input, through COGO (coordinates geometry) and production of maps, to setting out points in an efficient and systematic method.
Note: this product is compatible with ZWCAD ONLY.
An all-inclusive module for division of the drawing into sheets (layouts) in any desirable scale and paper size. Users can select the scale, paper size (from a list of ISO paper sizes or custom size), the table/legend and the north arrow blocks. Then, users can create their own division using frames (rectangle polylines) located on the drawing in any desired position or rotation. The sheets will be generated in layout(s) which are aligned to the north in either a single or multiple layouts. Processing and creation of breaklines throughout a dynamic changing of the contour lines during the lines processing, export of the lines to a separate file, separation to open breaklines, or breaklines defining areas not for calculation (structures etc.), presentation of breaklines in multiple forms (cliff, slope) etc.
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